Although it is often mistaken for a crane, it is actually a member of the heron family. In January, February and March, the giant gray, blue, white and black birds build nests usually 10 to 20 feet from the ground in wetland bushes. Great Blues — also known Blue Cranes, California or Florida Herons, Espiritu Santo Herons, San Lucas Herons, and Treganza’s Herons — can be found in North and Central America, as well as in the West Indies and the Galápagos. "Great White" Heron Florida Keys "Great White" Heron Florida Heron: The white morph Great Blue Heron closely resembles a Great Egret, but can be distinguished by its pale legs and heavier bill. The Herons are all found in both fresh- and saltwater habitats where they hunt by standing still and stabbing prey. Lunch time – Great Blue Heron with a Florida Gar. They’re the largest of the herons in North America, and globally their size is surpassed only by the Goliath Heron and the White-bellied Heron. Great Blue Heron. Some consider the Great White to be a white morph of the Great Blue. There are about 1,500 birds in south Florida. All herons fly with their neck folded. The Great Blue Heron, largest of all Herons in North America is king of the Florida wading birds—frequently spotted, easy to photograph, yet always interesting and colorful—especially during the mating and nesting season. This distinguishes them from cranes, geese, ibises, storks and cormorants, all of which fly with the neck extended. The Heron Conservation resource estimated Great Blue heron populations of more than 35,000 birds in the 1970s along the east and south North American coast, but now the nesting population just in Louisiana numbers over 10,000 individuals and has been increasing. We didn’t see any pythons, but you can tell they’re out there because many of the smaller mammals have disappeared – eaten by these large snakes. They vocalize a hoarse guttural frack- frack- frack. Blue and white birds are known to breed with one another and their offspring may have a mixture of blue and white plumage. I saw this white morph in the "Tea Table Relief" area. The prehistoric-looking Great Blue Heron is one of the largest and most conspicuous of Florida’s wading waterbirds. The Green (Green-backed) Heron may be found in urban areas. subspecies of great blue herons found in southern Florida and the Florida Keys. There is an all white form of the Great Blue in Florida, the Great White Heron, that was once considered a separate species, but is now considered part of the species complex. There are five subspecies of Great Blue Heron in North America. The Green, Little Blue, and Tricolored Herons usually nest near or over water in tall shrubs. These large white herons are found commonly in the Florida Keys and uncommonly in other parts of the southern peninsula of Florida.

The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is a large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common near the shores of open water and in wetlands over most of North America and Central America as well as the Caribbean and the Galápagos Islands.It is a rare vagrant to Europe, with records from Spain, the Azores, England and the Netherlands. We also spotted Cormorants, Anhingas, Great and Snowy Egrets, Tri-colored and Little Blue Herons, White Ibis, Wood Storks, Red-shouldered hawks, a Purple Gallinule, and other birds.

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