À l’image des autres cervidés, le mâle pudu a de petits bois pointus qu’il perd chaque année.Le petit pudu a, quant à lui, des points et des lignes blanches, qui lui permettent d'échapper aux prédateurs car elles apparaissent comme des rayons de lumière dans les sous-bois. The water chevrotain is known for its ability to dive underwater when it senses a predator nearby. They are so named for the whitish to yellowish rings that encircle their eyes, resembling large eyeglasses. Their short, round tail and strong back legs help them to hop quickly through their environment. The binturong is sometimes given the name “bear cat” because it has a face that looks like a cat and a body like a bear with long shaggy black hair, however they are not related to either animal. It is believed to have six subspecies and possibly a seventh existing in southwest Africa.

Adaptations of Brown Hyenas. … We elaborate here the adaptive features of the beautiful species that help them to survive in the wild: One of the most unique features of these species is that they are carniodental which means they can easily break down the bones of bigger animals. Appearance. Genus: Chiropotes and Pithecia. The Black Bearded Saki Monkey (Chiropotes satanas), is a species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil. Le pudu des Andes est le plus petit cervidé du monde.Il vit dans les forêts denses d'Argentine et du Chili. Adaptations. The quokka has a light brown coat which helps them to blend in with the grass that makes up most of their habitat. Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkii) is a small antelope native to Eastern Africa and one of four species of dik-dik antelope. It weighs only abbout 20 lbs. Taking a dip is the water chevrotain's best defense. The smallest deer is the Southern pudu, according to the ARKive project. The Brown-backed Bearded Saki Monkey (Chiropotes israelita), is a species of bearded saki, a type of New World monkey, endemic to Brazil. Quokkas are active at night which helps them to avoid many of their natural predators which are active during the day. Spectacled bears wear shaggy fur that is black, brown, or sometimes reddish. Dik-diks are herbivores, typically of a fawn color that aids in camouflaging themselves in savannah habitats. (9 kilograms) and gets to be only about 14 inches (36 centimeters) tall when fully grown. Conservation Status – Endangered.

pudu defense adaptations