NOTE: Further categorizing the optical image stabilization… This works by utilizing your smartphone’s accelerometer to detect small movements. Every camera has a Charge Coupled Device popularly known as CCD which is an array of several light sensors arranged in a grid. Electronic Image Stabilization; Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) Optical image stabilization compensates for the shakes and camera movements by a physical contraption inside your smartphone or the digital camera. Image stabilization (IS) is a family of techniques that reduce blurring associated with the motion of a camera or other imaging device during exposure.. Generally, it compensates for pan and tilt (angular movement, equivalent to yaw and pitch) of the imaging device, though electronic image stabilization can also compensate for rotation. Optical image stabilization (OIS) ... Electronic image stabilization works on a completely different principle and in this technique the problem is solved at programming level after the optical signal has been converted to a digital signal. Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) EIS is an attempt to do what OIS does, but without the physical hardware. This physical contraption moves inside the camera housing compensate or negate your hand movements while taking shots.

optical image stabilization vs electronic image stabilization