The brains of the transgenic monkeys — those with the human gene — developed at a slower pace, akin to that of a human, than those in transgene-free monkeys. Social intelligence deals with how animals relate with one another, or, at least, within the context of the test, with human experimenters. He says the belief that humans have superior intelligence harks back to the Agricultural Revolution some 10,000 years ago when people began producing cereals and domesticating animals. 7 Intelligence Milestones.

"Neurally, mentally, cognitively, they're a flying monkey."

The canine IQ test results are in: Even the average dog has the mental abilities of a 2-year-old child. The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada acknowledges that the land upon which our office operates has been the site of human activity for 15,000 years and is the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca and most recently, the Mississaugas of the New Credit.

But they never demonstrated any ability to form a lasting relationship with other creatures and, sadly — despite my best efforts — that included me. However, there weren’t any differences in brain size or any other behaviors. That's called the “cultural intelligence hypothesis,” and it could explain why humans have created complex societies and technologies that no other animal species has even approached. Her IQ is between 70 and 95 on a human scale—100 is considered a "normal" human IQ.

Human IQ may be controversial, especially while we are comparing cultural or ethnic groups, but when it comes to distinct species, the problems are a magnitude greater.

When it comes to their social behavior, people sometimes act like monkeys, or more specifically, like rhesus macaques, a type of monkey that shares with humans strong … The researchers found some similarities in brain activity locations among the species, but several differences, too. And by the time they were 2 to 3 years old, the transgenic monkeys performed better and answered faster on short-term memory tests involving matching colors and shapes.

They're not Rise of the Planet of the Apes smart, but they're no dummies. My monkey and his relatives, who lived in the park down the street, were smart in some ways; certainly smart enough to understand that food could be had from gullible humans. As the monkeys and the humans starred at the point, a stream of images popped up in various parts of the screen at a rate of roughly 10 objects per second. One difference between humans and monkeys is that humans take a lot longer to form their brain’s neural-network (from childhood to adulthood). Slowing down the brain maturing … Koko has tested in a range from 70 to 90 on human intelligence tests, and she is believed to be a gorilla of fairly average intelligence.

• Humans could domesticate many animal species using the intelligence, while monkeys do not live together with other animals. • Monkeys have opposable thumbs on both pairs of limbs, whereas humans have those on the forelimbs only. A computer scientist who is credited as a researcher on a Chinese medical experiment that saw monkey brains implanted with human genes to make them more human…

How Smart Are Planet's Apes? (This may, of course, be a limitation, if the monkey understands basic social concepts, but not that they can apply to other species, such as humans). (Human normal intelligence is 100).

monkey intelligence compared human