The king baboon spider is rusty brown to orange in color. That the Golden Brown Baboon Spider lives in a hole that takes it between five to seven years to construct. In captivity they should be kept in a 15 to 20-gallon terrarium with a secure lid. Method 2 Some species will construct their silk-lined retreats under rocks and other surface debris such as building rubble or rotting logs. This enclosure should have a deep substrate of at least 10" of compacted sand and peat moss or potting soil. of 3: They are one of the few tarantulas that use stridulation as a major defense mechanism in addition to rearing up and striking. The get up to about 15 cm including the legs and are bulky and hairy. Look for baboon spiders in wilder … Once this spider has excavated a hole it seems that the adults loose most of there instinctive know how for digging. Recognizing the Baboon Spider Habitat. of 3: The venom of this large gentle spider is absolutely harmless to humans. Classification: CAN INFLICT A PAINFUL BITE These large spiders are primitive spiders in the same group as Tarantulas. Another way of finding baboon spiders is to turn rocks (click to see video). Housing In nature the King Baboon Spider is found in deep burrows associated with rock piles or the bases of trees. Estimate the size of the spider. They live in the shrublands and grasslands of [[east Africa], often using vegetation as a protective cover for their burrows. Looking at Physical Characteristics. The males are often found on their search for females, who live in large silky burrows in the ground. How to Identify a Baboon Spider Method 1

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