Caine, E.A. A total of 104 loggerhead turtles stranded along the coasts of eastern Spain during 1995–2006 were surveyed for epibionts. A total of 39 epibiont taxa were identified, three of them being new records for loggerhead turtles: Bittium sp., Idotea metallica and Jassa sp.
Sea turtles often harbour complex communities of epibionts [1, 2, 3].These epibiont communities can provide valuable insights into the hosts’ behaviour [4, 5] and health [6, 7]; however, most studies on sea turtle epibiosis have focused exclusively on macro-epibiota.To date, little is known about the prevalence, and potential ecological function, of sea turtles’ micro-epibiota. Davenport, J. 2017). Green turtles live in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. sea turtles and their epibionts (i.e., marine organisms that attach to, or dwell on the exterior shell or skin of sea turtles) resulted in a workshop focused on sea turtle epibiosis at the 37 th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada (Pinou et al. To collect epibionts, we sampled olive ridley turtles on the Pacific coast of the Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica between 2015 and 2016. This diet gives their fat a green tinge, which is how the turtle got its name.

However, my central question, while involving sea turtles, focuses rather on a less explored feature of these animals; the behaviors, ecology, and distribution of the organisms that live on their exterior, otherwise known as epibionts. (1994) A cleaning association between the oceanic crab Planes minutus and the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 74, 735 – 737. The amount and variety of other organisms living on sea turtles varies based on the turtle species, their size, and location. There is a wealth of published information on the epibiont communities of sea turtles, yet many of these studies have exclusively sampled epibionts found only on the carapace. Turtles were sampled from two locations: male and female turtles encountered at-sea between Playas Del Coco and Cabuyal (within 3 km of the shore) and female turtles nesting on the beaches of Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas (). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 95, 15 – 26. Epibionts included green and red algae, polychaete worms, skin barnacles, and turtle barnacles. When young, they are carnivorous, but as adults, they eat seaweeds and seagrass. Barnacle abundance and epibiont biodiversity was determined for each size class (Small, Medium, Large juveniles) of the two most common species of sea turtles found on Bonaire (Eretmochelys imbricata and Chelonia mydas). Introduction. 4), M. D'ADDARIO2), D. FREGGI3) and R. ARGANO1) 1 ) Department of Biology and Biotechnologies "Charles Darwin", University of Rome "La Sapienza", Viale dell'Università 32,1-00185 Rome, Italy 2) via S. D'Errico 11,1-75100 Matera, Italy 3) Sea Turtle Rescue … There is some debate over green turtle classification. (1986) Carapace epibionts of nesting loggerhead sea turtles: Atlantic coast of USA. Adult green turtles are the only herbivorous sea turtles.

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