First exhibited in England in 1860 under the name 'Sebastopol goose'; they were also referred to as Danubian geese; a name first used for the breed in Ireland in 1863. ' We discuss some of them here. They like short grasslands next to a body of water and prefer fertilized over unfertilized grass for feeding. The height of this breed will normally be the giveaway as they are considerably taller than their cross bred cousins. But there are many reasons to keep ducks into their older age. The Emden is the oldest goose breed of the area that is now Germany, with origins believed to go back to the thirteenth century. People keep geese for many reasons, including eggs, meat, pets, show birds or as guards who become very agitated and vocal when strangers or predators come into their territory.

Around 3-5 years, duck fertility and egg production lessen, and many keepers choose not to keep older birds because of this. They are not good layers, and lay only 20-30 eggs per year. my chicken "penny" has been very quiet, and sleeping a lot the past week . Favourite answer . Among them, you might see a dark form with a white head—a color variant called the “Blue Goose.” Dec 12, 2009 #9 floridamama Songster. Watching huge flocks of Snow Geese swirl down from the sky, amid a cacophony of honking, is a little like standing inside a snow globe. During spring nesting season, the female will build a nest and lay up to 15 eggs. So, their life expectancy is between 10 and 13 years. What is interesting for all breeds of ducks is that the number of eggs they lay has an impact on their lifespan. old age ?

Namely, the more eggs they produce, the shorter their life span is.

The Embden Goose is a large domestic breed of geese. Geese spend most of the day foraging for food, which is primarily obtained by grazing. Why do my Sebastopol, Embden or Roman Tufted have black feathers? As everyone knows, it’s truly a pleasure to wake up every morning and admire a beautiful flock of geese. It is thought to have been developed in the town of Emden, in Saxony, Germany. And to me, the Pilgrim goose … The head is oval-shaped. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. Relevance. Colours: Grey, White. Even if I weren’t operating a commercial hatchery and poultry farm, I would have Pilgrim geese. They also make great pets and show birds due to their unique personalities and social skills. They get a completely new set of feathers at 9, 15 and 21 weeks. Embdens in the UK are usually a little shorter and stockier than those found on the continent. Along with the Toulouse, it was the first goose breed standardized in the UK in 1865. Jasmine's line produced these exhibition American-style Chinese (below). History. A baby goose is called a gosling. Meat Production: The true Embden Goose suffers like the Aylesbury in that most of the public think all white geese are Embden's whereas few of them are actually pure bred stock. one way to tell is to look for males to breed the females this will show u which are males. A group geese is called a gaggle. Goose: 3.5 – 4.5 Kg. Snow Goose numbers have grown rapidly since the mid-twentieth century, possibly because of warming conditions in their arctic breeding grounds. I have one Embden goose and one gander and my goose is laying eggs ... Embdens have a 20-25 year life expectancy or less. Does anyone know how to tell the difference between male and female embden or toulouse geese.? This is Jasmine - our Best Goose and Reserve Show Champion at the BWA National in 1991. Chinese geese are some of the noisiest geese and are useful as a ‘guard dog’ / to alert you of intruders. Geese normally live 10-15 years, but there are stories of some that have lived much, much longer--40 years or more! The knob is larger on ganders than on geese. 2 Answers. For me, they are the perfect goose. Discover How Long Domestic goose Lives. one … Goose pairs often form life-long bonds and have strong parenting skills. Geese Can Live Two Decades On average, geese live far longer than ducks, sometimes up to 20 years. 1 decade ago.

These birds can be found breeding in the far north of Canada and winter principally in the U.S. and Mexico. One of the longest living breeds of ducks is the so-called bantam ducks.

Emden goose is one of the oldest varieties of domestic breed of goose dating back to around 200 years.

British birds are heavier than German birds and reach up to 32 lbs in exhibition strain ganders. These beautiful birds grow extremely quickly and produce a lot of meat and eggs. The Germans originally bred this goose to be rather tall and slim in size, and the English where said to have further refined the breed into what it is today.

embden goose life expectancy