April 28, 2017 October 5, 2017 by James Oliver. Gerbils can eat both. can gerbils eat cheese and onion crisps!? Relevance. Update 2: to imogen i didnt feed them the crisp my dad did! While they can eat a variety of things, some foods are far better for hamsters than others. PLEASE HELP! So can gerbils eat melted cheese? Cheese is a combination of water and diary fat that is held together by proteins. They can’t escape. 14 Great Foods You Can Eat with Gerd. Shelf life. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known GERD, is a chronic and severe type of acid reflux. Your gerbil can also occasionally enjoy small quantities of: yoghurt; cheese; cooked egg; cooked, unseasoned chicken, turkey or fish Live insects have to be fed to your gerbil soon after purchase. Anonymous. Behavior and Introducing. 0 0 0. Can rats eat wild insects? Fruit & Vegetables. Yes gerbils can eat cheese. Forum Information & Rules (Please read) Announcements.
Favorite Answer. Health. Update: also he has boken it into tiny pieces so i cant take it out. This can include carrots, cabbage and apple. Many pet stores offer mealworms as a safe food for rats. But don't give it to them every day. Gerbils. Gerbils naturally eat seeds of various grasses, bulbs and a range of leaves and herbs. hamster lunch time image by cat from Fotolia.com. Since gerbils are omnivorous, that doesn’t have to be limited to fruit and vegetables either. Do it yourself projects. Carrots, lettuce and broccoli are low-fat choices that are good for gerbils to eat. Unlike Syrian hamsters, dwarf hamsters are at a high risk of diabetes and need special diets to make sure their blood sugar level stays in check. Dried insects tend to be easier to get hold of, as you can order them online.

Though they also enjoy fruits such bananas, peaches and even dried fruit, too many of these sugary treats can lead to obesity and health concerns. From your moderators! Forum Use. Wild insects can be a source of disease and pesticides. Fruit (pear, melon, apple, oranges) and vegetables (cucumber, carrot, pumpkin and fennel) can be used to supplement your gerbils ration. Gerbil FAQ. Yes gerbils can eat cheese. All of these can be scattered around the cage to add interest and stimulate natural behaviour, or can be hand-fed as treats when handling your pet. Do bear in mind that most cheese are high in fat and so it is not that good for them. Some even harbor parasites. Almost any fruit or vegetable that is edible for humans can be fed to gerbils. Lv 6. Yes gerbils can eat cheese. Colors/Genetics. 1 decade ago. There are several benefits of choosing dried crickets or mealworms for your gerbil: Availability.

This is the main reason blue cheese is such a no-no!

1 decade ago. The easiest and safest approach to feeding your hamster is to go with a complete meal that you can … So can gerbils eat cheese? Login to reply the answers Post; Scocasso !

can gerbils eat cheese