Anteil der Setswanasprecher in Südafrika (2011) Dichte der Setswanasprecher in Südafrika (2011) Setswana (auch Tswana) ist eine in Botswana (90 % der Bevölkerung) und Südafrika (9,21 Prozent der über 15-jährigen Bevölkerung, Stand 2015) – hier besonders in der Provinz Nordwest – verbreitete Bantusprache. Showing page 1. They are loping along. Habitat. Cookies help us deliver our services. The greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) is a woodland antelope found throughout eastern and southern Africa.Despite occupying such widespread territory, they are sparsely populated in most areas due to declining habitat, deforestation, and poaching. The Kudu is an extremely shy antelope and spend most of their time in the thick bush Kudu … Crushed leaves are believed to drive snakes from homes [3].

Setswana. boy translation in English-Tswana dictionary.

Photo: Johan Van der Vyver, adult greater kudu . Wildlife and lands are in danger. The seeds are also sucked as tonic [5,7]. Um welches Merkmal handelt es sich?

As a registered dietitian, diabetes educator, and blogger, Nicole Morrissey has created a wide variety of recipes for all types of people and their diets. 171 Beziehungen. Lesser kudus come from the savanna near Acacia and Commiphora shrubs. Strepho (Greek) means "I twist", and strephis is "twisting". Your gift will be doubled by Actor & Animal Advocate Candice Bergen to save them. seTswana Tholo. Keras (Greek) refers to the horn of the animal. Tragos (Greek) denotes a he-goat and elaphos (Greek) a deer. Kudu Diet The kudu is a browser and feeds on a variety of leaves of trees and shrubs indigenous to South Africa. Habitats. [lokwalO] \Brief" [kudu] \Schildkr ote" [mosadi] \Frau" [podi] \Ziege" [badisa] \Herde" [hudi] \Wildente" [l] und [d] sind in Setswana nicht distinktiv. The wildlife of Botswana refers to the flora and fauna of Botswana.Botswana is around 90% covered in savanna, varying from shrub savanna in the southwest in the dry areas to tree savanna consisting of trees and grass in the wetter areas. Keras (Greek) refers to the horn of the animal. Setswana is the fourth most spoken language in Johannesburg at over 300 000 first language speakers. The Kudu Kudu, or koodoo, is the Khoikhoi and seTswana name for this antelope. The kudu is also known to eat South African succulents such as spekboom and aloes. We get about 3 or 4 kilometers and suddenly spot a bunch of kudu moving parallel to our track about 100-150 yards to our right. Take control of your favorite Legend of Zelda characters in the battle for Hyrule in this action-packed game. Kudu Tholo Koedoe Grosser Kudu Grand koudou Kudu grande : Redunca fulvorufula: English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish: Mountain Reedbuck Mofele o mohibidu Rooiribbok Bergriedbock Redunca de montagne Bohor de montana : Alcelaphus buselaphus: English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish: Red Hartebeest Kgama Rooihartbees Rote Kuhantilope Bubale …

3 Items in Grid 4 Items in Grid List. springbok translation in English-Tswana dictionary. The kudu, "tholo" in the languages of Sepedi, Setswana and Venda, is a tribal totem of the Barolong and Batlhaping people of Botswana and South Africa. Shangaan Hlongo. Meaning of setswana. Habitat. Formulieren Sie eine Regel, die die Alternation erfasst! Kudu, or koodoo, is the Khoikhoi and seTswana name for this antelope. We decided to try some other spots, turn the truck around and head north. Strepho (Greek) means "I twist", and strephis is "twisting". Setswana. It is known as Yingwe in Xitsonga and as Nkwe in Sesotho & Setswana, Engo in Luganda, in-gwe in Kirundi, Ingwe/Mbada in Shona, injâangwê in Kinyarwanda… iNgwenkala (ihlosi, inhlosi, indlozi) – Serval iNgonyama – Lion iHlosi = Cheetah iNgwenya – a crocodile iNgwesiduli – a black-foot hivecat iNgada, iChathaza, iMbodla – African wildcat iNgqawa = a lynx (caracal) iNyhwagi = a genet The greater kudu is one of two species commonly known as kudu, the other being the lesser kudu, T. imberbis It also feeds on various fruits, pods, forbs and creepers during different seasons. Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Cape Buffalo Nare Kaapse Buffel Büffel Buffle d' Afrique Bufalo Africano Hippopotamus amphibius English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Hippopotamus Kubu Seekoei Flusspferd Hippopotame Hipopotamo Diceros bicornis English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Black Rhinocerous Tshukudu e ntsho Swartrenoster …

Ihre Verteilung ist aufgrund eines Vokalmerkmals vorhersagbar. Tragos (Greek) denotes a he-goat and elaphos (Greek) a deer. Nama Xaib . Other uses: The young branches and leaves are eaten by elephants, giraffe and kudu [3,10]. Stop poachers with 2X the impact. The land is protected, so kudu and other wildlife can roam safely and freely, and the revenue is reinvested into the community and into local wildlife conservation. Page 2 of 22. Monkeys and baboons eat pods [7] and the seeds by brown-headed parrots [8]. Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Cape Buffalo Nare Kaapse Buffel Büffel Buffle d' Afrique Bufalo Africano Hippopotamus amphibius English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Hippopotamus Kubu Seekoei Flusspferd Hippopotame Hipopotamo Diceros bicornis English Setswana Afrikaans German French Spanish Black Rhinocerous Tshukudu e ntsho Swartrenoster …

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