This AnimalSake article demonstrates to you what eat elephants eat. In fact, most elephants don’t even appear to like them very much. They not only do a lot of things, but they can also feel sad, worried, bored and even laugh.

Elephants are easily recognizable, thanks to their big ears and long trunks. African elephants consume about 660 pounds per day, whereas smaller Indian elephants eat less, i.e., about 330 pounds per day. The elephant is one of the most amazing animals. Did you know that elephants eat for 18 hours per day?That’s nearly 80% of an elephant’s daily routine contributed towards feeding itself!

Perhaps you’re really thinking, why are peanuts not at the top of the list when it comes to an elephant’s favourite food? Me and my friends are eating shelled peanuts atm, we were wondering how do elephants open and eat peanuts ( the shelled ones) we are finding it difficult and time consuming( as we are trying to study for the HSC next week) how do they do it with their trunks also is that their nose thankyou Elephants kept in captivity eat hay, grain, vegetables, bread and adore various sweets (sweets). Well, sorry to burst your peanut bubble, but this is a myth which originated in the days when elephants first became an attraction. Elephant don’t eat a meat, they are herbivorous animals. There been two scientific recorded reports of elephants eating a person yes us humans are considered meat one reports happened in captivity the other was in the wild. That’s a Lot! Elephants eat in their main mass, vegetable food such as: grass, leaves and branches of trees, fruits, bark, various shrubs, as well as marsh vegetation. In difficult situations they always come to the aid of their relatives. Elephants, Asian or otherwise, don't eat peanuts in the wild, nor are peanuts a typical diet for captive elephants. Elephants have the … 5.

Do elephants eat peanuts