Here the razor sharp, serrated teeth of sharks were attached to swords using a complex binding technique.

Only immature specimens, inhabiting tidal reaches of lg tropical rivers in N. Australia & New Guinea are known. Many weapons were hooked to grab limbs. This post looks at one such new acquisition to the Bowers Museum, an approximately 3-foot-long shark tooth sword. A round weapon may have 30 or more shark teeth around the edges, other varieties featured as few as 3 in a claw shape. In relation to the shark tooth sword, biologists at Columbia University have been able to ascertain the age of similar weapons by identifying the species of shark that the teeth belong to. These well-adapted predators are able to outsmart and outswim their foes, as well -- because sharks are preyed upon by other sharks, these are critical defense mechanisms. 30-03-2014 - Speartooth shark (Glyphis glyphis) - an extremely rare species of requiem shark, family Carcharhinidae. The result was weapons, some of which could be up to 18 feet in length, which were lined with shark teeth. Robustly built, gray w a short, broad snout, tiny eyes, a relatively lg 2nd dorsal fin. Sharks don't have many predators.

Even so, sharks have adapted a wide variety of shark defense strategies to avoid being preyed upon. Short spears were not larger at the base like the longer pikes. These include size and strength, threat displays, defensive weaponry, camouflage and cover and defensive evasion. In fact, it's humans that are endangering great white sharks through overfishing and collisions with shipping vessels. The Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, occurring in tropical and warm-temperate continental seas worldwide.A generalist apex predator, the dusky shark can be found from the coast to the outer continental shelf and adjacent pelagic waters, and has been recorded from a depth of 400 m (1,300 ft). #1 ENDANGERED GREAT WHITE SHARK.
The saws are equipped with a large number of sharp teeth, which the fish use to cut down and incapacitate prey. speartooth shark is called yu chi, or "fish wings" in China. Both Sawfish and Sawsharks use their saw as a weapon. Many of the shark species identified in the construction of weaponry are no longer found near the Gilbert Islands, and can be dated back to a century ago. Shark tooth also a proffered weapon of ancient Hawaiian nobles. At number one of the endangered shark list, although they were depicted in "Jaws" as a ferocious man-eater, in reality humans are not the preferred prey of the great white shark. Sawsharks and Sawfish both have thousands of electroreceptors on their snouts. Using sudden lateral movements, Sawfish can use their saw to cut other fish in half! Sharks don't rely strictly on their size and formidable jaws for self-defense. Short spears and stone clubs made up the bulk of Hawaiian close melee weapons. That’s not all, however. Some include bigger sharks, orca and humans.

speartooth shark weapons